Oscar Millet

Oscar Millet, PhD

Principal Investigator
Precision Medicine and Metabolism

Email: omillet@cicbiogune.es

Phone: 4311 / 946 572 504

Connect with me


Dr. Oscar Millet is the group leader of the Precision Medicine and Metabolism group of the CIC bioGUNE. His research focuses on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in the study of biologically relevant proteins and enzymes, paying special attention to the metabolic information that can be extracted from biological samples such as serum and urine. He has been awarded the Real Sociedad Española de Química prize (2004), the Spanish NMR group prize (2005), and the Innovation Award of the Basque Government (2018). He is the scientific founder of the spin-off Atlas Molecular Pharma and is the president of the Spanish Chemical Biology Group.
