Timothy A. Hacker

Timothy A. Hacker, PhD

Cardiovascular Physiology and Surgery Core Facility
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Email: th2@medicine.wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-1234

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Dr. Hacker is a Senior Scientist and Director of the Cardiovascular Physiology and Surgery Core Facility at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His work at the Cardiovascular Research Core Lab facility provides researchers with surgical models of disease as well as non-invasive imaging and invasive physiologic monitoring of the disease process. Dr. Hacker has established cardiac disease models in mice, rats, rabbits, pigs, dogs and primates. His lab documented the variability in mouse coronary anatomy and was the first lab to publish right ventricular pressure-volume data in mice. Currently, the facility is conducting studies focusing on cell delivery devices and targeting, cell tracking, heart failure, arrhythmia, gene, drug and cell therapy and other cardiovascular diseases. His work examining defects in the lamin protein have led to a phase I clinical trial (2014) to test a drug which slows or even reverses heart failure associated with lamin mutations.
