Science News, Content, and Resources2023-05-11T15:34:46-04:00

Science News, Content, and Resources

Science News

Talking Real Science with Martin Young

This episode of Share Science features Dr. Martin Young, a professor of medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In this interview he shares his journey into cardiac metabolism and chronobiology as well as some notable mentors that helped him along the way.

March 17th, 2023|Categories: Interviews, News|
  • Brain-Derived Tau in Blood for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis FI

Brain-Derived Tau in Blood: the Future of Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis?

Recently published in Brain, Gonzalez-Ortiz et al. report the design and development of a novel blood-based biomarker specific to brain-derived tau. In this blog post, we dive into the advantages of their novel immunoassay over those that are commercially available, as well as its future implications for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis.

January 13th, 2023|Categories: News, Scientific Articles|
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