
Explore Clinical Research Webinars

Explore Clinical Research Webinars

On Demand
Animal Welfare Legislation Series

Animal Welfare Legislation Series

Webinar Series
January - March 2024

On-Demand’s Animal Welfare Legislation Series is a 3-part webinar series to explore animal welfare legislation in North America, Asia, and Europe. In each installment, we delve into the region-specific regulatory requirements while discussing best practices and ethical guidelines for companies and organizations involved in bio-pharma sectors. Our intent is not only to shed light on the legal aspects but also to emphasize these stakeholders’ crucial role in observing and promoting ethical practices in animal welfare.

On Demand
From Models to Heartbeats: Computational Design of Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Cardiac Health

From Models to Heartbeats: Computational Design of Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Cardiac Health

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Sponsor: SPARC Data and Resource Centre

Partners: American Physiological Society, Society for Neuroscience, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, American Autonomic Society,

This webinar explores closed-loop cardiac rhythm control restoration in heart-transplant patients from model development to in silico regulatory evidence for safety and efficacy trials.

On Demand
Integrating Patient Engagement and Trainee Development in Pre-Clinical Research

Integrating Patient Engagement and Trainee Development in Pre-Clinical Research

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sponsor: Aurora Scientific, Inc.

Partner: American Physiological Society

Christopher Perry, PhD discusses how his laboratory aims to discover mechanisms by which metabolic dysfunction causes muscle weakness and apply these findings to develop new therapies for muscle disorders. Homira Osman, PhD provides a particular focus on leveraging scientific findings for practice and policy and linking trainees with patient communities.