

Address: New Cambridge House, Bassingbourn Road, Litlington, Cambridgeshire, SG8 0SS , United Kingdom



Phone: +44 1223 858890

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Computational, medicinal and synthetic chemists from the world’s leading research organizations use our software on a daily basis. Our customers include 8 out of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies. Beyond pharmaceuticals you will find Cresset anywhere where excellent tools are required to ensure optimum chemistry R&D efficiency, from fragrances and flavors and agrochemicals to consumer products and fine chemicals.

Cresset software is underpinned by patented methods to deliver exceptional, novel, insightful and inspiring results. Our robust scientific methods use 3D molecular electrostatics and shape to shed light on the properties and behaviors of chemical structures and, crucially, to understand the key interactions which underpin biological activity.

Cresset Discovery provides outstanding consultancy for molecule discovery and optimization. We work with passion, accountability and scientific rigor whether engaged on a long term collaboration or a short focused project to address a specific issue, helping you to make the molecules that matter.

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