PELOBiotech GmbH

PELOBiotech GmbH

Address: Am Klopferspitz 19 , Germany, 82152



Phone: +49 89896741845

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PELOBIOTECH has one of the broadest portfolios of cell culture solutions worldwide with over 20,000 life science products. They provide comprehensive support for research needs, from bench to bedside, with products that deliver reliable results within a predictable timeline. Whether you require tissue dissociation or cell-based assays, they are the ones to contact.

This German-based cell culture company offers cells ranging from human and animal primary and stem cells, including MSCs, iPS, and iPS-derived cells.  Alongisde the cells they offer corresponding media, coating agents, cryo-protectants, assays, and tools. For tissue dissociation, in case you want to obtain your own cells, they are the sole distributor in Europe for VitaCyte’s purified collagenase and protease.