Self Care Catalysts, an Alira Health Company

Self Care Catalysts, an Alira Health Company

Address: 99 Spadina Ave, Suite 500, Toronto , Ontario, Canada, M5V 3P8


Phone: +1 (647) 795-8210

Self Care Catalysts, an Alira Health Company is a registered supplier on Click the button to do business faster.


Science and medicine’s roles are centered on diagnosis and treatment, often confined to the clinical setting, while the patient journey continues to unfold in homes, in the workplace and communities. With the ecosystem’s goal to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce cost of care delivery, accelerate drug development, generate evidence for regulatory and commercial purposes, the need to understand and interact with the patient holistically and longitudinally becomes more compelling.


Our Health Storylines Platform is a trusted companion for patients throughout their journey, generating real world evidence along the way. We empower patients to own their role as health consumers, equipping members of the healthcare ecosystem with insight into the real life experiences that drive health outcomes, and facilitating relationships with the partners who will help achieve their goals.

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