Vincent Prevot

Vincent Prevot, PhD

Research Director and Laboratory Head
Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain
Lille Neuroscience & Cognition, Inserm


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Vincent Prevot, PhD’s postdoctoral studies on neuronal and glial plasticity in the GnRH system, crucial for the onset of puberty and adult fertility, in the laboratory of S. Ojeda at the Oregon National Primate Research Center/Oregon Health & Science University, USA, built on his doctoral work under J.-C. Beauvillain at the University of Lille, France. These studies have led and continue to lead to many seminal contributions in our understanding of the central control of mammalian reproduction. Following his postdoctoral training, Vincent returned to France in 2002 to take up a tenured Associate Researcher position at the Inserm, establishing an independent research group at Lille.

In 2006, Vincent became head of the “Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain” Inserm laboratory at Lille, and was officially promoted to the rank of Senior Research Director in January 2016. As of today, his laboratory comprises 43 members, including several senior researchers and clinicians, postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, and technicians. His current research focuses on Systems Neuroscience and Neuroendocrinology, and has led to groundbreaking publications in Science, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, Cell Metabolism etc., as well as numerous patents and clinical trials. In particular, Vincent’s team studies brain circuits that control reproduction and metabolism and the neural pathways through which they respond to peripheral information, and the role of the early postnatal activation of reproductive circuits during a period called minipuberty on brain development and aging, including cognitive aging.

Vincent serves on the Executive Committees of several learned societies, including the International Federation of Neuroendocrinology (INF; current President), French Brain Council (FBC; current Treasurer), the French Society for Neuroendocrinology (SNE; past President), the French Neuroscience Society (past Treasurer), and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS; past Treasurer). He is a laureate and corresponding PI of an ERC Synergy Grant since 2019 and a Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union since 2020, in addition to various French and international grants.
